Counseling and information for all women
We offer counseling, consulting, and educational talks about women’s health in all life cycles. We provide the right tools to learn how to take care of oneself, empower oneself and establish oneself as the mainstay of society.

Caring for our girls
One of the best strategies to prevent and minimize illnesses in our communities lies in educating our kids about self-care, health meaning, disease, and healthy habit awareness during their early development so they can opt for their health care as the first step for a great future.

Caring for our teenage girls
Hormonal, physical, and emotional changes in our teenagers are worthy of unfolding society’s attention to raise awareness of critical points about their health care and supporting women to be capable of freely developing their academic, occupational, and emotional potential. Contributing fulfilled women to our society is the ultimate outcome.
Our counseling services include healthy nutrition and exercise, prevention of eating disorders, mental health, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and use of family planning methods, prevention of alcoholism and smoking, bullying, self-esteem, and self-care.

Caring for our pregnant women
Pregnancy is one of the woman’s most sensitive stages in which we find they are more willing to receive valuable information that will generate significant changes to better their health and lifestyle. In this stage, we must provide them with the right tools to ensure a healthy baby and mother.
We provide counseling on nutrition in pregnancy, exercise, and daily activities in pregnancy, psychoprophylactic course, pregnancy care, preparation for childbirth, and first care of the newborn.

Caring for new mothers in the postpartum period
Postpartum, as the last stage of pregnancy, represents a fragile period for our women’s health due to the different hormonal, emotional, physical, and family role changes they must face.
We offer counseling on postpartum nutrition and exercise, postpartum depression, postpartum care, breastfeeding, family planning, and newborn care.

Menopause is a stage in which women experience many hormonal changes that can affect their quality of life and emotional, cardiovascular, and bone health, as well as increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, which is why women must prepare themselves before, during, and after this stage.
We offer talks about healthy lifestyles: nutrition and exercise, cardiovascular risk, sexuality, prevention and early detection of cancer.

Elderly women care
Caring for older women is a commitment that should not only be learned by them, but is the responsibility of society as a whole. This is a beautiful stage in which women have given an immense contribution to their families and should be recognized.
This is why we offer talks on self-care and self-esteem, sexuality, depression prevention, healthy lifestyle, prevention and early recognition of the cardiovascular disease, and prevention and early recognition of cancer.